Standing after the 6th Leg.
This is the way I score the Santa Barbara Group:
I and a few other people close to me discovered this event mid way in its 2nd Leg, South Africa to India, as I recall. Therefore I toss all scores in the first two legs, counting just the legs I was able to start: 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th. However, some of the other boats were in the race from the start, and some placed rather impressively. So, I had to include their good scores and toss their less illustrious performances. One skipper changed boats (1st boat had a rather unfortunate name), so I combined the scores for her boats.
That said, there are two ways to score this race. I'm not sure which is more valid.
The first is VORG's way: the cumulative standing of the Group's boats vis-à-vis the other 200,000 boats in the VORG. According to VORG, I'm in 5th place:
In the SBYC Group on a typical leader board, I am also in 5th place:
I can easily see that the long 5th Leg from China to Brazil was my worse performance, followed by my best Leg from Rio to Boston. Really alarming is how Macavity's performance has steadily improved. In the 6th Leg, Macavity not only finished 1st in the group, but finished under 1,000. Both coveted scores have so far eluded me.
Both of us scrupulously maintain radio silence as to outside resources used. I'm concerned that he has become a little more computer proficient than I had anticipated. Otherwise, he's on the keyboard 24-7.
The racing was very close. I thought I had lured him into a wind pocket and ditched him for good on the way up the coast of South America. I will remember that tactic! But he came back. Then around Boston, I went to bed too sleepy and too late to check my auto-pilot and went off course enough to hand him an insurmountable margin.
I have not reduced the number of errors I make in a leg; but I have reduced their magnitude.
But I will remember this leg especially for turning the mid marker in 32nd (out of 200,000) places.
It was also a 1400hrs weather change, also. I had carefully plotted my course but not noticed the Island was east of the mark. (Note the last minute course change to avoid the half-moon shaped island under the port rail.) That was inexplicable that the course would be laid out like that! In my resultant panic to avoid running ashore, I immediately lost 1,000+ places. Running aground would have cost me 10,000 places easily.
Very exciting. But no cigar.
MLK on 10@10
Sailed the last 6 days as Bridget is on the road. Mostly solo but with
several Meetup groups on the weekend. No wind on the weekend but we still
had some f...
1 day ago