High Water Days
Spring tides, recent south westerly winds and atmospheric pressure combined
to push up the high tides.
While we've seen much higher tides in past years t...
Bon Voyage!
My wife Bridget and I are off for a cruise in Vietnam, Thailand and
Cambodia. We have been on Silver Seas a few times and they always do a
great job. On an...
The America's Cup in Barcelona
I haven't posted for a long time, but it's blog anniversary day and I've
recently been in Barcelona where managed to see the America's Cup, so
ESB Paparazza!
ok the story was, I had morning chemo and an afternoon scan last week
Tuesday, so I took the day off from work, took my camera along & wandered
the vicini...
SKBF Pokalseglingar på SS Fram 21-23 augusti 2020
Pokalseglingarna 2020 blev uppskjutna en veckas tid pga vädret. Det blåste
en hel del med regnskurar så byvinden var kraftig stundtals. Den övre
gränsen fö...
Solo Slooping without a Sloop
My first stream went without a hitch! Except my stream crashed after 40
minutes. And a mean ass skeleton sank my boat before I could even attack
him back!
My Name is Tillerman and I am an Aerobian
I haven't sailed my Laser since April. It sits there on its trailer in my
garage and looks at me mournfully every time I choose to go RS Aero
sailing. The ...
February 21, 2016. Cyclone Winston was, at Category 5, the worst storm
ever South of the Equator since records have been kept with wind gusts as
strong ...
The inside scoop on the new Jeanneau 64 (video)
After touring the factory, seeing hull number 1 under construction, and writing
the preview story that appeared in SAIL Magazine last year, I have to adm...
No Particular Reason
I really have no reason to post this picture of two oranges and a red bowl
that I noticed on my kitchen counter the other day.
Except that it's half-way...
This Old Hull Update
Soft decks are a very common problem with old Lasers. Over many years, the
weight of the sailor in the middle of the deck leads to delamination of the
Dodgers Now blog redesigned, has new address
The L.A. Times Dodgers Now blog has been redesigned, and with our new duds
we're rolling out a new URL. So if you've been a loyal follower of Steve
my home club Davis Island YC
I sail out of the Sailingest Club in the South: Davis Island YC
In this day and age where sailing seems to be ailing and the sport is
always being ma...
Blue Water
Years ago my dear friend Jean Louis Dulaar tried to teach me about “blue.” He’s
an artist and he wanted to paint a specific blue, the deep, s...
Full Foiling Freak…
Went sailing on Saturday, it was looking the greyer but a tad lighter day
of the weekend, so I figured my chances of success were higher…
Got rigged up a...