Thursday, May 13, 2010

Clipper Race - Lay Days

In the real race, boats are transitioning through the Panama Canal. The 9th Leg of the Clipper Race Around the World (Panama to Jamaica) is scheduled for the 18th of March.

For the Virtual Race, I plan on a redo of my Leaderboard Chart. Because Leg is relatively shorter, I'm planning to capture three data points per day whenever possible. Charting will display boats sailing in the first 10,000.

I think 11 boats is the maximum for a legible chart. Any more and it becomes more like spaghetti. The default priority goes to:

  1. Vigilance
  2. Spirit of California
  3. No Turning Back
  4. Macavity
  5. Always on my Mind
  6. Amil_SAR
  7.  RodH
  8. Euroniekk
If you want your boat to be considered on the list or desire to take your boat off the list, please indicate in comments below. In order to obtain 11 boats, I may fill in with other boats of interest as the Leg gets underway.